These photos of the elk and red deer are from throughout the year, and show Cervus elaphus's passion for water.
Cooling it.
The deer in this group look like they want to go, but look at the same time reluctant to leave the water.
This group on the other hand is not wasting any time getting away. Hogs included.
This is a very dominant red deer that broke his left antler at the base in spring when it was just a short stalk. We were surprised that he had this much growth--he is even growing out a triple crown on this amazing antler (On the Mishaps 2 page you can see the stages of its abnormal growth.) As you can see, he loves swimming in the water.
A nice, restful soak...until the party gets crashed.

Another deer looking for a cooling bath.
This was March in our quarantine pens. His antlers are just large, velvet nubs. I believe the water is going into the side pocket of his cheek and squirting out the front of his mouth.
These huge deer smashed the buried irrigation heads providing themselves with wallow holes. It was actually more like a jacuzzi as water continued to jet into the hole from below.

Patches of their winter coats are still clinging in clumps. Here's a closeup of the winter hair coat; it's stiff like a scrub brush. The first clump I encountered was so tightly bound together that I thought I'd picked up an amputated tail!
A simultaneous wallow and sprinkle...elk nirvana.
My take on this is that the other deer is trying to crowd in order to eventually take over the wallow hole.
An elk high velocity shampoo.
First you study the water. Then you smack it with your hoof...hard!
Then you look to see how high the water went.
Then you look around to see how many of the other deer start jumping around.

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