Craig Cant hunted hard and stalked for two days, but didn't find his boar. We turned to the dogs and they shortly bayed up two respectable ones - together! When Craig saw this tremendous big-tooth hog his quest was at an end - he dropped him. Our only remaining problem was to convince the dogs that hog number two was free to go! Left to right: Owner John Kruszeski, Greg Beebe, Craig Cant and guide Bobby Harrison. Greg did all right too, now. Check it out below. |
Greg Beebe knew he was looking at a superior boar hog, and took him down smartly in front of the dogs. This is the ideal wild boar - bushy razorback and lush black coat - to say nothing of those deadly, long cutters! In spite of the misjudgment on his last day, he was a survivor who knew how to live well. He showed some age with a sprinkling of white hair, but his body and overall condition were superb. |
It took
Spike Fortin a single arrow to drop his enormous hog, just as his mother,
Regina, needed only one arrow for her red deer, and father, Herman, dropped
his ram with, you guessed it, one arrow. We can see where you got it, Spike, and you've got it! (See Herman and Regina's trophies in Rams and Exotics.) |